Thursday, April 28, 2011


i do realize that what jwood and i do with his seasonal work is very uncommon around these parts. in alaska, it ain't no thang for couples to be apart for a significant amount of time for work. it's just the way of life up there. you work when the weather is "good" and there's light out. so, for jwood - this whole leaveyouforanentiresummer was "normal." to me, notsomuch. i'm getting used to it though.
it's funny the reactions i get from people who genuinely care, but - like i said - don't really understand how it all works.
common convo:
person: what does your husband do?
M: well, he goes to school for civil engineering at TN Tech and then works seasonally in alaska during the summer.
*awkward pause*
person: he does WHAT?
M: (very patiently...) yes, it's not normal, i know. but, yes - he works 7 days a week for 10 hours + a day for the summer on a civil construction site - in this case, the anchorage airport runway.
person: wow. well, what are you going to do?
this is where i want to be the smarty pants that i am and say - "well, i plan to do a few recreational drugs, have random one night stands, and try to lose my job and get on welfare."
what do you mean - what am i going to do? what am i supposed to do? i feel like there is some great answer that i am supposed to have for this very common question.
M: same thing i do everyday, i guess......
there are huge disadvantages, obviously, to being apart for 4 months. life happens. things happen. events happen. and, we miss out on experiencing life together for these few months at a time. it's not the really big things that i miss the most about jwood when he's gone - it's the little things that i don't think about that really get me.
for example - last summer, there were a few mini-meltdowns.
* bike tires were jacked and i needed help - no jwood
* hated my job and just wanted a big, strong hug at the end of the day - no jwood
* my car battery died (because i left the lights on) - no jwood
* i let the grass get too tall and had trouble mowing - no jwood
* i can't get my fingernail polish open - no jwood
each of these occasions ensued a major calvin-sized (that's my dad - he's been known to throw a fit or two) melt down. there were fits thrown. major fits. alligator tears. poor jwood would get calls with me spitting mad at him and he didn't even do anything wrong - he just wasn't there and i needed him.
however, i grew a lot over last summer and i am sure i'll do the same again this year. i like to be independent and be able to stand on my own two feet. (but, it sure is nice to have a leaning post :) )
what am i going to do this summer? i actually have a few things planned :)
i'm going to visit my little mama in memphis, i'm going to austin to visit my friend kelly, i'm running in the RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival 10 miler with Jess, I'm riding in my first ever bike race (I won't be racing, more like riding) of significant distance, i'm going to visit jwood in the AK during the 4th of july, i'm going to attempt my first ever triathlon, and i'm going to the music city brewer's fest..... to name a few.
so, person, what am i going to do? a lot. if i sit still, i'll get sad. what i won't be doing? hugging my husband after a long day. celebrating with him after i cross the finish line at these events. having coffee and eggs with him on our back porch on saturday mornings (one of my favorites). fighting with him over his sloppy sleeping. kissing him and telling him to be careful and have a good day before our day begins. hiking in the smokies just isn't the same without him. guess i won't be doing much smooching - except with lily, of course.
what else will i do? miss him.

1 comment:

lindsay anne said...

Well, I get it. I did it too...until I packed up and decided I was going to go with him. And I get more questions about leaving than I did when he went all alone. People are nosey...and insanely jealous. PS: I'm no jwood, but a good hiking buddy in GSMNP