Saturday, August 14, 2010

out with the old, in with the new

i took advantage of the whole tax free weekend in tennessee and treated
myself and my aching legs to a fresh pair-a-nikes.
i got some new kicks, yo.

can you tell which is which? ha!

if you're a runner, you know that there's nothing better than a brand
spanking new pair of shoes and some sweat wicking socks. owwwwwwwwww
it makes me giddy just typing about it.

with every new pair of shoes, bring new aspirations and goals to go along with them.
these shoes could quite possibly accompany me while i attempt to run my first marathon in december.the jury is still out as to if i am willing to commit alls my time and
energy into training for that, but hey - that's why you call them goals, right?

with new goals and new shoes also comes the memories of accomplishments and
fun times spent in the ones that you're laying down to rest.

these old, worn out kicks have been with me since january!

they went with me on a very, very fun trip to NOLA for the 1/2 in february.

they stuck with me on a super cold training run with miss doss,
in which it was actually spitting snow.

they took on about 20 extra pounds of water on this 8 miler.

i PR'd at the country music 1/2 in april in these bad boys.

they even made the long flight to alaska in which i had one of the
most gorgeous runs of my life.

jess and i took on the RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival 10 miler - so did my kicks. 

so, as i retire these old little running shoes, i think back fondly to all
of the memories and joy that they've brought me.

here's to you nike moto 7s!! you've been good to me.
nike's vomero - you have big shoes to fill.
*ba*da*bing! hold your applause, please.

happy saturday and happy feet, peeps!

1 comment:

The Doss Blog said...

Guess i'm going to have to start peer pressuring you now for December!!! I mean, it's really only 3 months out, it'll be over in a blink of an eye ;)