Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dossday Saturday!

Yesterday was a much needed day for my bestie, Doss, and I to catch up. We've been busy little bees and haven't had as much time to hang out as we need. There is nothing better than a good day with a good friend.

The Goodlettesville 4 Mile run was Saturday morning. Back in my early days of my running, Jess and I picked out this run - why in the hottest time of the year, I dunno - to do together.  That was 3 years ago, and we have made it a tradition to do every year. This little race is always one for great amusement. There is a man dressed in hunting garb circa 1857 and shoots a musket to begin the race. 

We're training for the Women's 1/2 in September, so we tacked on a few more miles after we completed the 4. Though it rained, we were thankful. This summer has been super hot for the running world. It's sad when you'd rather run in the rain than in the heat that we've been given this year. 

So, after successfully finishing our 3rd annual torture-fest, we made our way to the Music City Brewer's Fest! I haven't ever been to a fest of this sorts, and I'm here to say today - I've missed out! Jess and I had a blast in the blasting heat. We were literally little puddles of giggly sweat walking around. There was only one thing better than the amazingly brewed brews, that was the people watching. Wow. It takes all kinds. 

 Successful Saturday, I'd say! Love you, Doss!

1 comment:

Jenn Wade said...

I'm jealous! What a fun day. You two are my most favorite, adorable little running friends. Good job on your run and tacking on the extra mileage!! We almost got swept away in a tornado out at River Park - you'd have been proud of me sprinting the last mile. Crazy what a little lightning will do to get you motivated.