Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm alive!


I'm treading water folks. I started my new job last week and boy, has it been a change. A good change, but difficult for sure. I'm ready to not be "the new girl" and actually know what I'm doing. In due time, I suppose.

I'm trying Mobile Blogger. I'm not sure if its working. I hope to blog again soon - from a computer - so I can share more!

Exciting things are going on!

Quick synopsis:

JWood has been in AK for one whole freggin' month. 1 down, 4 to go.

Meg and I went home for the long weekend and had a great time. Pics to come!

And, my friend Amy is getting married this weekend! I'm so stoked to see some friends from college that I have missed for YEARS!

Did I mention I had a bike wreck? Yeaaaaaa.... more on that too. 
Stay tuned... Witty Wood will get her head back on straight soon!

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