Sunday, August 28, 2011

Seven: Wants

7. Good Health.
Good health for me and those around me. Heck, for everyone. 

6. Debt Free
Man, life sure would be a lot easier. Loans, payments, bills - I hate you. 

5. Contentment & Happiness
There is nothing better than the feeling that you have when you know 
you're exactly where you are supposed to be. 

4. Travel. Travel. Travel. 
I have a list a mile long of places I wish to visit. I want to check those places off. 

3. Love.
I want those around me to know and understand how much I appreciate and love them. 

2. Cowboy Boots. :)
I want a really nice pair of cowboy boots. 

1. Degree
There is nothing else in this world that I want more than for JWood to 
get the degree that he/we have worked so hard to obtain.

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