Friday, August 5, 2011


thank goodness it's friday!!
can i get an AAAAAAmen?!

i'm happy that it's friday for many reasons, but i'm pretty sure that if there were more days in this week -
i'd be a few digits short of a full hand.

i need a chapperone.

every morning - religiously - i have a protein smoothie bowl.
i am not sure the last time i didn't have a smoothie bowl for breakfast.
i'm addicted.
you should be too.

mauri's smoothie bowl:
1 cup baby spinach
1 scoop of amplified wheybolic extreme 60 vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup almond unsweetened milk
1 tsp cocoa powder
1 cup frozen strawberries
blend. devour.
sometimes i get crazy and throw 1/2 frozen banana or some peanut butter.

this week, i've gotten crazy and thrown in flesh.

i made the mistake of buying whole frozen strawberries this week and they don't quite fit into my blender/bullet/chopper thing like i'd like.
yesterday, i decided i'd just see if i could cut those berries in half to make it all better.
i nearly sliced off the entire tip of my left index finger.
way to go, mwood.
you have a huuuuge proposal to work on and need that finger to type. do you realize how many times a day you use the end of your left index finger to type on a daily basis?
 a lot.

i survived yesterday.

fast forward to today.

i hate bandaids, especially wet bandaids. double ew.
so, when i went to the Y for my swim this morning -
i tossed the band aid and figured it'd be ok.
let me just say,
i swam 800 meters holding my index finger and my thumb together.
the skin that i sliced off would draaaag in the water with every stroke.

this morning, i decided to make a smart decision and try to slice the strawberries with a butter knife...
because - you  know - it's not as sharp as a pairing knife.
a butter knife will cut you with enough force behind the blade.

please ignore the fact that my hands look like i'm 40.
go away, ageing.....

i need to lock the knife drawer.
high five for friday.
my digits couldn't handle another sliced and diced morning.

*did i mention that i also sliced off my left index fingernail last week with a potato peeler?
just another day in the life.... *rolls eyes*

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