Monday, June 20, 2011


God has angels and He uses them, thankfully.

This past week was a scary and eye-opening week for me.
Wednesday afternoon after work, I got a frantic call from my very best friend and Sister telling me she had been in a bad car accident and she didn't know if she was hurt and to call 911.
I never, ever want to hear those words again.

Meg was in a pretty bad accident, but thankfully - God has angles and they protected her that day.
I could have easily lost my very best friend.

She was hit head on by a van that hydroplaned and hit her broadside.

After several hours and many humorous stories, we left the ER with Meg walking (barely) and cracking jokes with just some bruises and soreness. Though it was terrible and she's still recovering,
I am so thankful that she is here. She's a lucky lady. Cars and belongings can be replaced,
people can't.

We're not promised tomorrow.
Tell those that you care for that you love them.
Don't waste a day.
Drive safe!

1 comment:

Sammye Jo said...

i am SO glad she is okay. you are so very right girl. Hug her a little tighter> I sure wish I could hug my brother again.

Love you!