Monday, May 9, 2011

day 1....

Yesterday doesn't count, because I did actually see the Hubs. So today is officially Day 1 of Summer 2011 for the Wood Hood.
We woke bright and early at 4:45am yesterday to gather the final things for JWood. As we were driving towards the airport, I said, "Why don't we just miss the exit and keep driving East to the Smokies?" We both chucked and said - wouldn't that be nice....
It seems so surreal in the airport as we both got coffee together for the last time for a few weeks. We shuffled around, sat and stared at the wall, and then counted down the days until I would be visiting. As time drew nearer to saying "see ya later...", reality began to creep up and I got a lonely pit in my stomach. We hugged and hugged some more. As we clung to each other for the last few moments, J said, "take care and give LilyPants lots of love for me"..... *tears* I did so well until that! Way to make me cry like a baby. His flight took off at 8am and so here we are.
I'm not one to just sit and be sad. I just cannot let myself do it. I need to be busy and thankfully, Jess was up for entertaining me yesterday morning. After I left the airport, dried my tears, said a prayer - I met up with Jess in Hillsboro Village for a nice and HOT 7.5 mile run. It was just what I needed. I needed a good sweat and run to cleanse me of my sadness and get my head back on straight. After our run, we hit up Jackson's for brunch and a few cocktails :) The run was totally worth the cinnamon toast. Boom.
Yesterday afternoon, I let Meg entertain me. Ha! We went to Target where I bought a large body pillow to attempt to fill up some of the void in my big king size bed.
Nice to have, not the same.
And, here we are. It's Monday - Day #1. I must have been a little preoccupied in my morning ritual.... I am makeupless today. I was driving to work and thought, hmmmm - I didn't put a stitch of makeup on this morning. hahaa If that's the worst thing that happens, I guess I'm good to go. I'll just look like a haggard pseudo-single lady today. :-/
7 weeks, 3 days and a wake up.