Tuesday, April 26, 2011

11 days and a wake up....

well, hello there.
i'm still alive!! hooray!
it's been an amazing spring. i am truly blessed. my new job is going well. i'm beginning to recover from the marathon and two stress fractures. (no wonder people hate running - it's no fun to start over). jwood bought a bike and we've enjoyed biking together. i've begun training and preparing for my first triathlon. we went on our first overnight backpacking trip. we have gone to the beach. jwood has knocked out several more classes on that never-ending class list for graduation. we had an awesome trip for some yummy crawfish. i survived the whole winter/spring driving a stick shift jeep.
it's been great. i have tried to savor each day... because they're numbered.
in fact, 11 days and a wake up numbered.
jwood heads back to AK in 11 days and a wake up. boo.
i find myself in an inner-battle regarding this life that will be our normal for a few more years. this whole back and forth from alaska thing. i'm trying to embrace it, because it's amazing experience for jwood and his future career. financially - it's the only way we can stay afloat. but, dangit. it sucks. i try to tell myself - this is only making you a stronger couple and one day you'll look back and it'll all seem like it went by so quickly. it will. but, now - i want my husband here. i want "normal" "normal," not our "normal."
either way - my kicking and screaming and being sad won't make it go away or change it. well, i guess it could and jwood could stay here and we could go bankrupt. but, i'd be pissed about that too.
so, i'm back to say - i'm baaaa-aaacccckkkkk. i'm going to do my best to chronicle my "normal" while jwood is plugging away in the frozen vast wilderness (which, in anchorage, isn't wilderness at all - it's actually like most other cities). maybe one day i can look back on this daily journal of mine and realize how much we grew during this time apart.
with that said - i'm warning you, my dear readers. i'm not holding back. feel free to go with me on this journey this summer - for better or for worse. there are some days that just plain suck and i will write about it. and some days, most days, that are pretty boring and run-of-the-mill. i'll write about it all, good or bad - happy or sad.
11 days and a wake up left - let the countdown begin. too bad we can't go hide in a bungalow in the mountains for the next 11 days. or run off to the beach.
nope - jwood is studying. i'm running and working. lily is snoozing and begging for treats. meg is megging. (have i mentioned how thankful i am for HER? i'd be in the loony bin every summer if she weren't around to keep me company) we're rocking along like the separation reality isn't going to smack us dead in the face in a few short days. *bam*
welcome to life at the wood hood :)


Jenn Wade said...

I heart you - good, bad, happy or sad! :)

Momma Jac said...

Glad your back girl!!! You will def be In my prayers as J is gone working. Have a good week!