Tuesday, March 16, 2010

cabin fever

yes, i've been on the go a lot lately. 
from new orleans to arkansas in just a few short weeks. 

but, i STILL have cabin fever. 
i can just smell the plastic from my Chacos. they're calling my name. 
the aroma from the dirt and the trees is intoxicating.
my Leki poles have grabbed my arm every day, 
as they hang in my garage waiting to be used. 
the pack that carries my goods on a lovely hike is feeling lonely and has the desire to be filled.

with Spring literally just days around the corner -
 my cabin fever is tugging at me now, more than ever. 

i can't wait for camping & hiking season

the hills are my home and i'm feeling homesick. 

the LeConte Lodge air lift is today.
 each spring - they chopper in all of the goods they need for the season.
 they posted on their blog that they need help - pick me! pick me! too bad i'm so far away - i'd so be there. speaking of too bad - why can't i just be independently wealthy without a bill or care in the world? 
or, have the guts to Just Do It (thanks, nike) 
oh, how jwood and i would love to spend a summer atop that glorious mountain on the crew at the Lodge. how fun would that be!? 
when we hit the lottery, you can forward all mail up there. 

i can't wait to peel off these layers (and winter pounds) and hit the trails. 

i also plan to get in a few trail runs this spring too. i missed the "right of passage" run this past weekend with my running crew from fleet feet. while i was in arkansas, the crew and jdoss tackled the Percy Warner Park 11.2. i'm so proud of her and a tinge bit jealous that she got to shred her legs and mark that run off the list.  

dear spring, 
i welcome your company. 
hurry the heck up. i'm going to burn my cabin down, otherwise.

1 comment:

lindsay anne said...

I so agree! Lucky for me I'm close enough to jaunt to our GSMNP for a day hike. Tonight I went to Little River Trading Co for a slideshow and info session on the AT. I can't wait to hike it in a few years. The plan is 2012, 2100 miles in 2012! But now Ted is trying to get me to move it up to 2011...I chose 2012 because that's when i turn 30.

Keep me updated on your summer adventures in these parts!