Wednesday, February 17, 2010

see ya at Easter, sweet treats.

today is ash wednesday! 
which means, there are a ton of people in NOLA right now with super headaches. ha!

i'm not catholic and my religious denomination does not have rules and regs about giving up something for Lent, but i thought i would anyway. afterall, i need any and every excuse to pray. 

i have decided to give up "sweet treats."
generally, i don't over do it in the sugar department - i'm much more of a salty snacker - until lately. it started as having a "sweet treat" here or there. you know - 1 oreo after dinner, 1 hershey kiss from a bag that i have stashed in my desk drawer, a thin mint.... those blasted girl scout cookies. just a "treat" for me. 

i've been abusing my "sweet treat" priviledges. 
it is more of a several times a day daily occurance these past few weeks.
 i blame it on stress.

someone at work asked, "are you going to quit sweet coffee, or muffins, or cinnamon toast?"
nope. just candysugaryfattyness that i don't really need anyway.

 either way, i will not be treating myself to what i've deemed "sweet treats" until Easter - 
just in time for REESE'S EGGS! 

now, when i'm craving a kiss - i'll say a little prayer and grab one from jwood.
he'll appreciate it :) 

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