Friday, January 29, 2010

i'll take today over yesterday, any day....

yesterday, the woodhood took a pretty hard blow. this wretched economy finally caught up to us and there will be some changes in our little lifestyle. though it was a shock, we - thankfully - both still have jobs, if only altered a bit.

today, a beautiful blanket of snow is covering middle tennessee as if God is saying, i can cleanse you and wash you white as snow. be still and stay faithful.
as i stare out the window with my puppy, i'm humbled by God's grace and mercy and pray for direction and security for the future.

i'll take today over yesterday, any day.

thank you, Lord, for warmth.

thank you, Lord, for providing yummy snacks & wine.

thank you, Lord, for your creation.

thank you, Lord, for healthy bodies.

"for i know the plans i have for you, says the Lord. plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. then you call upon me and come to pray, i will listen. you will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart" Jeremiah 29:11-12

have a wonderful, safe weekend!


Jenn Wade said...

Love you, friend. You are a good one, Mauri Lenderman Wood.

Kels said...

Hang in there dear <3