Monday, January 4, 2010

2010. wow.

it's a new decade. it's a new year. same old mwood. but, that's just fine.

jwood and i rounded out 2009 in the best possible fashion - christmas with the family & friends, hunting, eating, and snoozing!

i obliged to take my final 3 days of vacation between christmas and new year's - so, i was a house wife all last week. i sure could get used to that, i'm not gonna lie. but, i love my home and my cable and my car and my warm clothes and my puppy and food and wine - thus, i must work. and, i'm thankful to have a job.

2009 was a good year for j and i. he knocked out quite a few classes and is still moving forward in his degree, we managed to keep jobs and stay healthy, we made some fun trips, i finished my first ever 1/2 marathon, and we bonded with new friends and loved on our families. it's in trying times that you figure out what matters the most.

i may still be the same old g, but it's a new year.

i can't wait to see what this new year has in store.

dear 2010,
please play nice.

ps - i may or may not have worn my favorite new christmas "shoes" to work today and got called out on it. i like to refer to them as my hybrid shoes - both indoor and outdoor.
it works, right? apparently not.
my boss said, "m, you wearing your bedroom slippers today?" *dangit*
regardless, i heart them.

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