Monday, October 5, 2009

weekend at the wood hood

mental note: quit living for the weekend.

but, the weekends are so much fun! especially now that it's fall and lovely outside!

a lot has happened since my last post at 5:30am on saturday morning. this past saturday was long run number #4 in preparation for the SOLD OUT st. jude memphis 1/2 marathon. the race sold out over a week ago! that's amazing - the race is still a few months away. this has to me a couple of things: 1) there is a ton of money being raised to benefit st. jude 2) this must be a fun race! i am getting really excited about the run and am having a good time pushing my body like it has never been pushed before. that sounds crazy, but it's amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it. i mean, if you're up at 5:30am on a saturday, you might as well make the most of your time out there - right?
let me tell you a little bit about saturday's 8 miler. to those of you who run 1/2 marathons or marathons, you may scoff at 8 miles. shoot - that's just getting started. ha! well, 8 miles was my longest run to date. and surprisingly, it wasn't that bad.
our running route planned by my running group leader was at radnor park. first off, i got lost finding the park. that's a whole different story. according to the email we received earlier in the week, we were going to run from a small church parking lot, into the park, and around a neighborhood - easy greasy. as i was standing there "warming up" before the run in the 49 degree weather, i was thinking - i could so be in bed right now. i mean, i don't really need to run at 6:30am. what's wrong with 10:30? awkwardly kicking my feet around pretending to stretch and look like i know what i'm doing, i asked a lady if she's ever run in radnor park before - as i had heard great things about this park but never visited. she kind of chuckled and said,"yes, i ran in this park once last year in training for the Country Music 1/2. it's beautiful but really hilly and you'll forever remember that one hill." um, neat. hills + 8 miles = success..........
miss trainerlady got on her bull horn and gave out instructions for the day's run. we're all fidgeting because it's flipping cold - she's got on red gloves. why didn't i remember to bring gloves? genius. she proceeds to tell those "short milers" {aka me} that there will be a water stop after mile 3 and mile 6 and then for the longer milers blah blah blah who cares... she said you'll have your first water stop after mile #3 and then you'll turn around to face one of the biggest running hills and you'll remember it forever. she kind of giggles and says, "there was a reason i didn't tell you about that hill in the email - i wanted you all to show up this morning. happy running!" whaaaaat?
as the masses all finish their faux stretching and nestle into their gloves and headphones - i do the same sans the gloves. i'll remember that next week. all the while i'm saying - i think i can. i think i can. afterall, my little friend cousin-in-law angela was running the Middle TN 1/2 that same morning. i could do a flipping 8 miles. bah! {ps - i'm so proud of her!!! go, angela!!} anyway. as i'm giving myself this pep talk and hit the play button on my shuffle, are you kidding me? this blasted thing can't be dead. YUP. dead as a doornail. no gloves. no ipod. hills. awesome.
let me just put this out there - radnor park is like a womanizin' man. absolutely gorgeous but sooooo deceiving. your mouth waters when you first meet that man - he's cool, comfortable, amazing to look at. you get that first drink of water and then it's a roller coaster. holy moly. the first 3 miles were amazing. radnor park is hands down the prettiest park i have seen in this area. we ran by the lake and through the woods on a paved trail. awesome. however, once we made it to the first waterstop - the hill on the way back was torture. long milers were walking up it to save their legs. me. i'm a stubborn one who thinks i can change that womanizin' man. ha! i actually was able to manage - with every ounce of my being - to run the entire route!
the last two miles posed the most trouble as my calves started to twitch for the first time ever, my quads were screaming at me, and my ears longed for a little "hand clap" {yes. i listen to rap the entire time i run - you know....generally. when my ipod is charged.} but, i kept a chugging along. the more it hurt the better i felt.... i'm preparing my body to run 13.1 miles. i guess i should expect it to hurt a little.
done and done - 1 hour and 25 minutes later i completed 8 miles on the hilliest course i have ever ran. i was pretty proud of myself. this will all be worth it when i see the faces of those who are fighting far larger battles than my battle with that blasted hill at radnor park at 5:30am. my running and small contribution will help those children who are facing life or death. when i cross that finish line on december 5th with 8,000 runners - it'll all be worth it.

other than my little running adventure - it was a nice weekend at the wood hood! we had a few folks over to watch UT lose and fall-ized the house! my little lumberjack husband chopped wood all day in preparation for our winter addiction - FIRES! we're somewhat of pyros in the winter. we love a nice, warm fire in the fireplace and a fire in our chimenea on the back porch!
sunday, meg and i went nuts shopping for fall decorations. hello, pumpkins and mums - i heart you! decorating for fall is almost as fun as decorating for christmasssss! it looks like a pilgram lives at my house now.
i also got a wild hair to revamp the wood hood a bit. i was inspired by There's No Place Like Home to find some odds and ends to put above my kitchen cabinets. her house is so cute! i had no idea how many odds and ends we had stashed in closets.
stay tuned for pictures of our updates, the massive stack of wood, and the fall-ized wood hood!
happy monday!

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