Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the one about my training......

"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway..."

it seems like just yesterday i began this journey to train for the st. jude's 1/2 marathon. it's been a whopping 7 weeks, with 6 weeks left until the big day! i've made it over half way, i'm still alive, i thankfully haven't gotten injured, and i'm getting so excited!

yes, i gripe and curse and complain every saturday morning when that blasted alarm clock blares at me, rousting me from my slumber at 5:30am. it's getting colder and middle tennessee seems to be converting to seattle. we've had many rainy mornings that i've had to really dig down deep to make myself lace up the running shoes and head to meet my fleet feet running group.

but, there's nothing more rewarding than finishing longer and longer distances each week and marking off another week of training. it's been years since i actually set a goal for myself, worked towards it, and able to feel a sense of accomplishment in the end. i'm not to the end yet, but i cannot wait.

this past saturday was one of those days when i had to dig deep. it was about 45 degrees and spitting rain. my training schedule mapped out a 10-12 mile run for those training for the 1/2 in december. i had already made my mind up that i was going to do 10. i mean, why would i do 12? i don't have to do 12. heck, that's basically like running the 1/2. if i go ahead and run it now, what's the point in doing it in december?

i've met 2 girls in my running group that i'm so thankful to have since jdoss is on the injured list for long distance running :( these girls and me visit throughout the run and it is amazing how time passes when you have someone to chat with. there's something about having someone by you and indirectly pushing you. if they don't stop, i don't stop. and if i don't stop, they don't stop. week after week, we haven't stopped and have pushed ourselves more than i could have ever fathomed.

back to last week, one of the girls named Beth is a little ball of fire. she's never been much of a runner before this training and it's amazing to see her push herself - and me. she said - well, we ran 11 miles on our last long run.... i say we go for 12 today. *gulp* so, this girl who hadn't run farther than 4 miles before starting this training is standing there before me telling me - you're running 12 miles today. what am i going to say - no. no. so, in the crappy weather we began our run and i must admit - it sucked. there are days that i feel as if i could run for hours and hours and days where i just cannot wait for the run to be over. at about mile 6, when the wind kicked up, we were climbing a hill, the drizzle turned to rain, and it seemed the temperature dropped about 10 degrees i said, "what the hell are we doing?" ha! the girls laughed at me and Beth said, "i always said that runners are crazy."

then, it hit me. i am a runner. i'm not one who just goes out for a little stroll in the afternoon. i am running long distance and dangit - i'm going to suck it up and do this. i'm training for a 1/2 marathon. if you had asked me 3 years ago if i'd be running in a 1/2 marathon, i would have called a psychiatrist because clearly, you're out of your mind. but, i successfully completed 12 miles on saturday with plans to run 12 again this saturday - then it's a drop week! hallelujah!

the most fun part about running long distances is sports beans and ice baths. i absolutely love the sports beans! i was leery about trying any of that runners mumbo jumbo but when i starting upping my mileage - i decided to give it a shot. i like the jelly belly watermelon sports beans the best. i eat 3 or 4 of the little beans before i start, 3 about 1 hour into my run and depending on the mileage, i'll pop another with a few miles left to go. they taste great and they really do give me a little boost! they're my little treat.

and, i say ice bath with the greatest sense of sarcasm. jdoss told me about the ice baths that she did last year when training for the country music marathon and i thought she had absolutely fallen off of her rocker. well, after my first 11 mile run - that same rocker rocked me off. what the heck, i'm stiff and bound to be sore so - i'll give it a shot. much like the girl in the video i attached, i squeal and am short of breath and hate every minute of it - but it's awesome afterwards.
let me tell you how i do it - i wear my long running tights, put on a hoody with the hood up, wear gloves, and drink hot hot coffee and DEMAND that someone talk to me. that's the key - talking and keeping your mind off of what the heck you are actually voluntarily putting your body through. it's only 15 lbs. of ice and for only 10 minutes - but that ONLY seems like hours sitting in an avalanche. when time is up, i'm like a fawn first putting their legs under them.... all wobbly and numb. but, when all is said and done - no soreness! yayer!

so, now that i've bored you to death - you know what i've been up to. i've been runnin' and runnin' and runnin' - just call me Gump. c'mon, december 5th - i'm ready! (i think)


Sole Matters said...

HOLY SHIT WOMAN!!! You are amazing! exactly how many miles is a 1/2 marathon? ive been thinking about doing one. i am not a runner id need ALL your tips and traning. =) sounds like you know what to do!

Kristina Strain said...

I think it's impressive enough getting up at 5:30am on a Saturday. Much less running. Good luck!

Sweetfern Handmade

BB'sBlog said...

Wow! that is an acomplishment. Great job!

Hannah Carter said...

Mars!!! I'm so proud of you! And maybe I'm getting a little inspired to get off my duff (as i eat my biscuit for supper...). Way to go!!!

Liz Harrell said...

Wow! Good for you! I have a dear friend that works at St. Jude, it's a great place and a great cause!