Wednesday, September 23, 2009

real life.

life ain't a fairytale. i'm not a princess. *dang it*

but why not?

there has been a long running joke with my family that my mom is the Queen, I am the Princess, and Meg is the Dutchess. they say that i'm the Princess and am spoiled. i beg to differ.... ha!

i often blog about and share the high points in our crazy, messed up, beautiful lives and rarely blog about the low points because frankly, no one wants to hear bad stuff.

it's the Southern way to put on a happy face. everything is great! life is good! i'm just fine, thanks for asking......

but, this is real life. life is not a fairy tale.

i'm having a real life sorta week. one of those weeks when the hamster wheel is getting to me. work, gym, dinner, homework, bed. where i just want to hit the pause button and enjoy a cup of coffee with my hubster and have a carefree, stimulating conversation about nothing at all. anything but a conversation about school or work or bills.

as you know, jwood is hard at work in school and works full time. which leaves pretty much zero time for yours truly. do you know how stinkin' hard that is? if you do - you can relate. if you haven't had this pleasure of having your other half work 40ish hours a week and take a full load of college courses, good for you. but, the fact is - whether it's school, or kids, or work, or family, or heartbreak, or deadlines, or tests, or death, or illness, or whatever - there's always stressors. each and every person has his or her own battle they are fighting. so to everyone fighting their own battle - *big hug* to you.

the real truth comes in how you fight the battle. it's easy to just give up and throw in the towel. i suppose it is days like this that i do my best to remember to be thankful for the little things and not let the big things take over my attitude. because, with all of the outside negs - this is a good life. i am blessed and thankful. though it stinks right now, i'm so proud of my husband and his hard work and dedication.

what are the little things that help me get through days like this?
  • it rained out j's work last night and even though it was late, i got to kiss him good night - for the first time in days.

  • the flashing red light that signifies that i have a blackberry message from JSW1 that says "love you"

  • when lily seems to know just when i need a hug back and kisses on the nose

  • when i get to wear my red glasses to work

  • when i have a good work out or run

  • a fun monday night with a good friend

  • watching as the days become less and less until fall break

  • funny emails from friends

  • our jobs in this economy

  • it's hump day - which means we're half way through another school week!

  • my Vols have an opportunity to pull out a V this weekend

  • my sister is 1/2 way through week 2 of being a non-smoker

  • it's a new TV week

  • i'm healthy and have great friends and family

so, on this real life sorta day and this real life sorta week, i'm doing my very best to focus on the little things. mainly, to love my husband and support him until my heart bursts because one day, it'll all be worth it. because then, when he gets out of school...

it will be a fairy tale.... i will be a princess. No? *dang it* :)

"This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24

whatever your daily battle, push through because this ain't a fairy tale and try to be thankful for the little things. we're not promised tomorrow.

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