patty & jess
a little baggo action - greg & kevin
senn & allison
"brain" & patty
along with celebrating the weekend & school being out for a few weeks, we also had a little early birthday party for J. his birthday is this actually coming up this weekend but he'll be fishing in arkansas with his grandfather - a tradition he has done since he was little :)
happy early birthday, J! and, we're starting at new tradition at our house. no more regular birthday candles. we're forever 21!
somehow, we ended up at a mexican restaurant (my favorite) later in the evening for some authentic spanish karaoke and spanish dancing. i think we were the only people who spoke english as a first language. we had a blast. and no, this hat was not given to us at the restaurant - it was in patty's garage. yes!
that was just friday night!!
saturday - we woke up entirely too early and headed out for a fun day on the lake and wrapped the day up going to The Pond to hear my cousin's new band - The Last DJ, A Tribute Band to Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. it was so much fun & they did a great job! check them out on myspace. http://www.myspace.com/thelastdjband
needless to say, sunday was a day of rest at the wood hood. we literally spent all day laying around and resting. it was a great weekend!! thanks to all who came to play with us on friday - we had a ball!
on a serious note....
my thoughts and prayers are with my dear friend Jess. her dad is not doing well. she is home with her family now in north carolina. keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
j & i love you, doss. we're here for you and are praying for peace and strength for you and your family.
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