Thursday, June 4, 2009

a blink in the night...

what once was a well-kept secret by the "locals" in gatlinburg has now become a tourist spectacle. and, since i worked and lived there - i consider myself a local. and - i consider the fireflies one of the most phenomenal aspects (tourist specicales) of nature that i have ever been able to be a part of.

i'm talking about the synchronous fireflies at elkmont campground. i first visited the fireflies in 2003, when i moved to gatlinburg for the summer. some of my new friends and i were able to just drive into the campground, walk back into the woods and enjoy the amazing lightshow by these rare little creatures that visit the park for 3 weeks in june every year.

for the past few years, the little fireflies have become a tourist attraction. when one once could come and go and enjoy the fireflies as they so pleased, one now has to either have a campsite in the park or take the trolley.

lucky for us - we like to plan ahead. we've had this weekend booked for our campsite since late january. yup, january.

now, i'm sure you're thinking - mauri, you can just go see fireflies anywhere. well, yes - smarty pants - you are right. but you can't see these fireflies in your neighbor's back yard. i promise.

these tiny little creatures put on the coolest show for all of the spectators in this section of the park. justin thought i was off my rocker the first time we went. he was like - cool, mauri. we're driving 4 hours to see some stinkin' fireflies. he quickly realized why i was so impressed and why i had insisted that we go.

"If you want to experience one of the most enchanted nature exhibits on the earth, come to the Smoky Mountains in June, where a significantly rare phenomenon comes to life right in front of your eyes. When you witness the wonder of the synchronized firefly mating ritual, you will be forever changed" (Synchronized Fireflies and Smoky Mountain Dreams).

so, this weekend - we're off to be forever changed (again), play with bugs and to view one of my favorites of God's many phenomenons. not to mention, do a little hiking :)

my cousin, leslie, flew in from dallas to join us for our weekend adventure in the smokies. she and i are heading east today, justin will be joining us tonight after his class (yes, that tramp is back - her name is calculus. gross.) and meggan is coming on friday evening.

wish me luck - leslie and i are going to set up camp without the help of a man! yup. we're that tough. she and i both have fantastically manly husbands that generally would do this for us, or help us :) but, both of them are getting their education on today so we're doing it on our own. all by ourselves. i'm sure there will be more laughing than actual progress.

for those of you who are married, i have a question. and for those single and independent ladies, i have a warning. mostly, i'm admitting something that i've been in denial about. i depend on my husband. GASP!

before i was married, i could do anything. want me to screw something in the wall? done. want me to move furniture? got it. want me to go somewhere by myself? always. now that i'm married, i depend on justin for so many things - including setting up camp.

i'm feeling empowered and somewhat liberated that leslie and i are going to do this by ourselves. do you other married folk feel this way sometimes? that you depend so much on your husband that you forget you can do things for yourselves? warning, single ladies - it happens.

with that being said, i'm so thankful (and spoiled) that i can depend on him and even more thankful that he is going to come tonight to probably finish/fix the mess that leslie and i will more than likely create. ha!

whereas i depend on him for so many things, i wonder if he depends on me? i'm sure he does. maybe for entertainment? being manly and taking care of me vs. entertainment and my simple, enduring love - we both win :)


now that i have your interest - i have provided you with further reading material regarding these rare fireflies.

go for - see for yourself....,0,4136033.story

you're not thinking i'm so crazy now, are ya? in fact, you're probably thinking - that's really IS cool, mauri! you may even be contemplating sabotaging mine and leslie's *cough*cough* (justin's) hard work and camp so YOU can see the fireflies. don't even try. click HERE to reserve your campsite for next year - we'll be there and we might even share a s'more!

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