Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Amazing...

.... what a coat of paint will do!

Last weekend, I went home to Dumas for my Papa Doc's 80th birthday party. I had a wonderful time visiting and seeing my family. Justin had a mountain of papers and homework on his desk at home, so I had to leave him behind to get caught up for the week. Bless his heart, he was up until the wee hours of the morning each night while I was away. He was terribly missed by my family but they understood that he had work to do. But, not only did he get all of his homework completed, he also PAINTED our bedroom and bathroom! I had no idea! We have now been in our house for a year and have yet to paint a single wall. We have everything decorated and settled - just haven't painted anything. We had been tossing around a few ideas and got new bedding for our room a few weeks ago. Needless to say, I was completely suprised to come home to a spotless house, completed homework, and a freshly painted bedroom. I LOVE IT! Thanks, J!
Check it out! (the pictures are kind of dark... sorry)


He did such a great job - now I want to slap paint on all of the walls and get something fancy to hang above our bed!

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