Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Circus.

It seems like everyone I know is either pregnant or trying to get pregnant... So, I thought I'd take some time to give my little babies some love on the blog. They are growing up so fast - changing like the seasons. As I blogged about early in the summer, Bailey (the cat) decided she liked living somewhere else better so she's no longer with us. Now, it's just Smoky and Lily ruling the roost. And, we have a visitor for a little while. Meggan's cat, Deuce, is residing with us for a bit as well. I thought I'd share some photos of our young'ens.
Lily (Lilypants) is and always will be the princess - she's spoiled rotten and loves her treats. She'll be 2 years old in March!

Smoky just celebrated his 1st birthday this month. He's wild as ever but is learning to have an inside attitude and voice. He loves treats and wide open spaces - to run.

Cousin Deuce is about 8 months old - and a fatty. He eats as much as he sleeps. He and Lily hold the fort down in the house while we're at work. He's Meggan's little prince.

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