Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Caught You a Delicious Bass!

Justin has been bitten - bitten by the fishing bug. We've recently acquired a fishing boat and he spends all of his free time thinking about fishing, reading about fishing, playing with this fishing poles, and well - fishing. This is something that he's always enjoyed doing - from bass in Arkansas to huge halibut in Alaska. Lucky for him - and me, I suppose - I enjoy fishing as well. When I was little, Sunday afternoons were spent either at the pond on my Dad's farm or at a nearby lake fishing with my Papa Doc. Justin spent his childhood fishing and hunting - as most little boys in Arkansas. Every year for his birthday, his Grandfather Wood would take him trout fishing. They are going to continue that tradition this year! Those are such sweet, sweet memories we have with our families and I'm looking forward to all of the memories Justin and I have to make with our very own fishing boat!
We've spent several afternoons the past few weeks on the water attempting to catch a "mess" of fish for dinner. The first day, we struck out but last night - we caught 3 bass! None of them were large enough to keep but we finally had a fish on the hook! Thank goodness for fish in the freezer from my Dad - thanks, Dad! Justin is so sweet - he bought me pink fishing poles! I have a pink and purple Ms. Crappie jig pole and a pink Ugly Stick casting pole. I'm set!

Here are some pictures of our recent adventures!

First day on the water!

First fish in the new boat!

My "Ms. Crappie" fishing pole - still has yet to catch a Crappie....

My first bass!!!!

This past Sunday, Justin and I spent the entire day on the lake hanging out, swimming and playing in the water. As the masses of people started to go home, we decided to go get the puppies and see if they would enjoy the boat and water as much as we do. Well, Lily swam like a pro and our water dog, Smoky, was terrified. He looked like a Tennessee Walking Horse in the water - paws and arms in high step out of the water. It was hilarious! Here are a few pictures from the kids first lake outing.

Poor fella - he didn't want to get out of the boat.

He finally had a good time trying to catch Justin!

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