Monday, May 12, 2008

Dumas Festivities

This weekend was a busy but wonderful weekend for Justin and me. We have been so busy since we got married with work and Justin in school that we had not been home to Dumas to see my Dad and family. So, Friday night - we packed up the puppies and headed South. Dumas holds a special place in our hearts because that is where we grew up, went to high school and it is home. Once we crossed into Arkansas and on the two-lane highway headed to nowhere - we rolled down the windows and breathed in the smells of home. We have forgotten how much we miss and appreciate the smell of rice fertilizer, dirt and honeysuckle. It was a nostaligic trip down as we relived some of our glory days from high school and laughed and shared our remember when stories.

Saturday was a packed day. I had a small family shower at my Grandmother's church hosted by Diane, Stacy, Ms. Joyce, Meme and my Aunt Gail. It was really nice. I got to see some of my family that I haven't seen in years - literally. And, I got some great gifts!! Thanks, guys! Here are some photos from the shower -

My Sweet, Sweet Sister.

Ms. Diane, Stacy, Ms. Joyce, Aunt Gail and Meme

Me, Meme and Megs

Me, Stacy and Sis

In the meantime, Justin and my Dad went fishing near the Arkansas River. They caught a ton of fish and we got to bring them home with us! Mmmm - I wish I had pictures of the fishing trip.
After the shower and the fishing, we gathered back up at the house for a bit of typical Dumas fun.... cornhole, crawfish and a few cool beverages. Some family friends came to hang out and we had a grand ole time. After dinner and and the sun set - we decided to hit up the only bar in Dumas - The Office. Yup, The Office. We played shuffleboard and did some dancing. The bartender there said, "You just got married? I must make you a fruity drink!" Ummm, Ok. It WAS fruity and for a moment - Dumas resembled Jamaica. Enjoy the photos.

As they say....when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Don't kid yourself - it doesn't take long to re-find your roots :)

Stacy and Sis

It was Brian and Lisa's 3 year Anniversary - Happy Anniversary!

Dad and I doing "The Bump" at The Office.

Jamaica? No - Dumas, Arkansas my friend.

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