Monday, April 7, 2008

That's What I Love About Sundays.....

Spring has officially sprung here in Middle Tennessee and it shown it's pretty face without the rain this weekend - finally! Poor Justin has been working full time and going to school at night this semester and has done an excellent job and balancing all of his duties. But, with all work sometimes comes no play. However, Sunday was our day. And, Saturday night. After a fun event with my girlfriends Jess and Kelly (will be blogged - stay tuned) Justin and I went to B. McNeel's in Murfreesboro for dinner! MMm Mmm Good! B. McNeel's is a quaint little restaurant in an old house right off of the square. Those within driving distance, you should check it out. Thanks for introducing me, Niki!
Sundays have always been one of my favorite days of the week. Although Sunday preceeds the dreaded Monday, it seems to always be a refreshing day. When I was little, this was the family church, lunch and outdoor activity day. We would go fishing, 4-wheeler riding, to the river, or we would just hang out outside in the yard. Yesterday was so much fun. Justin was rested and had a lull in school work so he was able to enjoy the day without tasks to tend to. We went to the early morning church and the preacher was on fire! I am continually amazed at how each week, he can get and keep your attention. After church, we went for a motorcycle ride! Yes, Justin now is the proud owner of a Kawasaki Vulcan motorbike- as I like to call it. He is driving it for work mainly but we decided to take a joyride. Yesterday was the first day that it was nice outside and I had mustered up enough courage to hop on. Don't tell him - but I really had a great time!

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