Monday, March 10, 2008

Proud to Introduce - Mr. & Mrs. Justin Wood

Strange. Mr. & Mrs. Justin Wood - I suppose it's time to break out the stockings, scrabble games, knitting books and turn in the tall boots, martini glasses, and skinny jeans - my days of living are over ----- NAAAAHHHH!

Yup, we're officially married. I can now check the 'married' box and we have the same bank account. Now that's grown up. :)

Where do I even start? I have tons of pictures from our WeddingMoon but I'll have to post them later because I'm still on Jamaican time and forgot to bring them with me today.

But..... we had a fantastic time and loved every minute of it. The Sandals Resort was fabulous and Jamaica was breathtaking. The ocean was crystal blue, the the mountains were a lush green and the people were horizontal they were so laid back.

So, here's the story. You might want to grab a soda - this could take a while.....

We landed on Jamaican soil on Saturday afternoon to a super sunny day and were ready for vacation! However, we didn't really realize our resort was a mere 2 HOURS FROM THE AIRPORT. Regardless, we load on this coach bus to head to our home of rest and relaxation for the week. Of course, we mingle with the others on the bus and ask where people were from and if they were vacationing, celebrating weddings or honeymoons - just stuff to pass the time. In doing so, a couple sitting in front of us were there to celebrate being married 25 years! Cheers to them! She found out we were getting married and insisted that she would love to come to our wedding and wouldn't mind taking pictures for us! I never really thought we'd run into her again but the next day - they were the first people we saw on the beach. It was fate! She and her hubby were there with two other couples and they were so sweet to come to my room and take pictures of me getting ready and then come to the wedding! They were fantastic ladies from Ohio and I was so blessed they were there to help.

Monday morning - we were supposed to be married at promptly 10am but that was before the laundry service temporarily misplaced my dress. No, you're not dilusional - they misplaced my dress. We woke up Monday morning to a dreary rainy morning but that was not to dampen our spirits on this exciting day. "No worries, ma'am, it's raining blessings on your wedding day." (The Jamaicans have a saying for everything) I had sent my dress to be steamed the night before and assured that I would get it by 8am on my wedding day - I got a bit concerned as 8:30 rolled around and still no dress. We had made plans for Justin to head to the wedding site at 9:15 and the dressing assistant would then come help me get dressed. As I sent Justin out the door dressed to the 9's in his new suit - I assured him I wasn't leaving him at the alter - I just simply didn't have my dress that I'd worked so hard to get into. :) After several conversations with the laundry worker and the wedding consultant, my dress arrived to me at 10:10am. Yea - I was late for my own wedding.... Apparently - the young man who picked my dress up the previous day thought it was so pretty - he wanted to hang out with it for the evening and it didn't make it to the laundry services until 9:45 that morning. I got my dress and it was damp from JUST being pressed. What a story.

We took some amazing pictures - I was actaully surprised at how well they turned out. We took pictures at the wedding site (not the original site we'd picked out due to the rain....), in the beautiful gardens and finally on the beach. We were taking this picture........

.....and I see a bloody spot on Justin's brand spakin' new shirt that he looked quite dapper in - might I add. I said, "Babe, you're bleeding! What did you do?" "Uhhhh, you stabbed me when you were pinning on my flower in the middle of the lost dress tizzy.......", he says. I totally stabbed my future husband in the chest before our wedding and he didn't tell me until afterwards. Oops. I felt awful!!!! But, with all of the hiccups with the dress and that stabbing - it was an amazing day!

After the wedding, we got back to our room to find chilled champagne, cheese and crackers, fruit and our own personal wedding cake. We treated ourselves to a couples massage on the edge of the beach and a candlelit dinner that evening. It was fantastic.

A week full of fun, relaxing, quality time - we really couldn't have asked for more. We went snorkeling and saw a beautiful reef and colorful fish - we kayaked down the Chaukka River, hard hats and all - we went shopping in the local craft market and were able to bargain with the locals. It was awesome.

So, my friends.... Stay tuned for some animated photos of our excursions and our little piece of paradise. We're married!

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