Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ready. Set. Blog.

Ok... So I have seen so many of my friends blog but I've never really jumped on the bandwagon. Well, the wagon just got a bit heavier because I'm going to give it a-go.

Heck - why not?! New year, new me, new hubby-to-be, new crib. The works. Now, new blog.


Let me set the scene for those who I haven't spoken with in a few shakes of a lamb's tail (there's a few new characters to add to the setting :) -

Justin and I got engaged on October 20, 2007!! I am so blessed and undeserving of this man that God has given me. He's wonderful and spoils me rotten. We are getting married on March 3, 2008 in Jamaica. I really can't wait. There has been much speculation from some for the reasoning behind a) getting married so soon and b) why we're getting married on the beach - alone. *gasp* Shocker - I know. Alone? No one to go with? No hustle and bustle? Exactly. I do love my family more than life itself - I promise, I do. And, I love his family. I just didn't want to deal with the stress of planning. I'm just not into it. Just the two of us.....a throw back to Will Smith. And, we're getting married so soon? Yes. Well, it doesn't seem quick to us. It just seems like the perfect time. Justin is in school and working full time so we had to work around his schedule. Yes - we're getting married Spring Break '09 - what what! I will post pictures as soon as we get back.

Moving on. Speaking of moving...
We just got settled into our new home!
We are so super excited about it. Our stuff, our house - everything has a spot. And for those who know my moving history - you can keep this address in your little black book for a while. I am proud to say - I will not pack a box in the next year. Done and done. After 25 moves since moving from my home in Dumas in 2001 - I'm done for a while. Whew. Thank, goodness. I was really getting tired of it. :)

Now to our children...

We are now the proud parents of three!

Miss Lily...(Lilypants is her call name)
She's a mama's girl through and through. I've never had so much love for a little ball of fur in my life. I just can't say no when it comes to those eyes and her sweet nuzzle. I'm a sucker for this baby.

Miss Bailey...
What a diva. She really is a diva. She comes and goes as she pleases and is pretty excited about our latest move. I've had her for 3 years and - bless her heart - she's endured 3 cities and about 10 different apartments. She probably thinks this is the cat version of heaven!

Mr. Smoky!

Our newest memeber (photo to come) is Mr. Smoky! He's a beautiful weimaraner baby boy! He's Justin's pride and joy. I got him for Justin last night for Valentine's day! This little rascal is all legs and looks quite dapper in his silver coat.

I'm not sure how long a blog typically is and I have to admit - it's kinda fun :)

I guess that's it for now. Side note - Justin and I recently joined Brentwood Baptist Church. They asked me which name I would like to have on record with the church and being that we're getting married in 19 days - I had them just use my future "married name." So, at church this past Sunday, Mauri Wood was printed in the bulletin for new member acceptance. Mauri Wood - that's the first time I've seen it in print. *butterflies* I'm such a girl.

Alright. I guess that's it for today. I hope to keep this little blog session exciting and fun to read. And - I promise to post pictures of my new baby boy, Smoky, soon!

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